How do we connect students today to our human world prehistory? This first edition covers essential topics of world prehistory through the lens of the Anthropocene. Each chapter focuses on how and why humans have transformed the Earth through time, linking prehistory to today’s global challenge of climate change. Supported by unmatched digital learning resources including an adaptive learning tool, InQuizitive, this book engages and inspires students to understand how we got here and how we can draw on the past to make better choices in the future.
Joy McCorriston
Joy McCorriston is Professor at The Ohio State University, and has taught Methods, Theory, and World Prehistory courses in archaeology for 22 years. Joy is a National Curriculum Committee Member for the Society for American Archaeology, and was part of the application assessment of SAA principles for teaching archaeology in the 21st century. She is the author of Pilgrimage and Household in the Ancient Near East (Cambridge University Press), and is the Director of the Roots of Agriculture in Southern Arabia. Joy researches agricultural origins and development in the ancient Near East.
Julie Field
Julie Field is Associate Professor at The Ohio State University and teaches World Prehistory, Archaeological Method and Theory, and Archaeological Field and Laboratory Methods. Julie is a specialist in environmental modelling and spatial technologies, and holds a National Science Foundation Senior Research grant in Archaeology for her multi-disciplinary studies of island colonization and agricultural transformations in Fiji.